DogSuperFood by White Magnolias medicine              
This dog food is specially designed for dogs with skin issues (eczema, itching, dry skin) and dogs prone to kidney stones and as a result of it, urinary track infections.

Ingredients: long grain white rice, ground beef (grass fed, organic, 90% lean, 10% fat), vegetables (green zucchini, acorn squash, red bell peppers, green sweet peas, cauliflower), sunflower oil, bone meal powder, vitamin & essential minerals mix, Morton lite salt (for potassium supplement), pink Himalayan salt (to supplement microelements).
Consulted with CUHA Nutrition at Cornell University.

Why DogSuperFood? Our Story                            
Dog diet is one of the keys keeping your dog in good physical and mental condition. It also prolongs their life and cuts on your veterinary bills tremendously. Starting your dog on a good and healthy diet is therefore very important.

Terriers are very particular about their diet. Terriers have 2 health issues you need to keep in mind. They have type A personality and are prone to skin problems - mostly eczema, dry skin, itching; and they have tendencies to develop kidney stones and/or as a result of it, urinary tract infections.

The good news is, those 2 issues are very manageable and easy to completely eliminate with a proper and well-balanced diet.

I got 2 Jack Russell terriers. My love for them became a base for my holistic medicine practice, White Magnolias Medicine.

Eddie, my Jack male was started on dry food, one of the best brand names on the market. I have shortly learned that most of the dry foods, including those brands Eddie ate, are too high in protein. They are not balanced properly and overload your dog system. Eddie developed severe eczema.

Lola, my Jack female, started having behavioral issues. She was peeing in the house after we came back from a walk. I did a complex checkup on her and I found out that she started accumulating calcium oxalate crystals in her urine. It was causing her a burning sensation and she was trying to let me know something was up.

Both issues were related to the wrong diet.

After a long journey, tons of money I spend on vets and hours of research, I designed organic homemade meals for terriers to address it. I worked with Cornell University animal nutritionists that helped me to come up with balanced complete daily meals for terriers or dogs with skin/kidney issues. After my dogs were put on "DogSuperFood" all their issues went away. Lola's behavioral issue went away and Eddie's skin healed. They love their food and never skip a meal.

I always say...there are no bad dogs, only bad parents. You need to listen to your baby, observe and figure out the solution.

I offer consultation to teach you how to cook healthy, balanced dog meals. You are offered the protocol and hints on how to fix his/her food for a week or so. I will also explain you the science and reasons why certain things work and why other don't, which ingredients are good for dogs, which are not. Email us if you are interested. 

I offer DogSuperFood for sale on my website.

I also designed dog treats for dogs to avoid aggravating their skin or kidneys. 
You can find them on my website.

Why DogSuperFood is better then other fresh food brands?

None of the brands on the market offer meals balanced for terriers or dogs with skin/kidney issues. All of the brands contain random selection of grains, vegetables and meats that overload the dog system. As a result of using them for the extended period of time, eventually your dog may develop health issues.


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